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How to help your baby through teething
Approved by our Clinical team | Mar 30, 2021

Being a new parent can be tough, whether it’s your first baby or if you’ve got multiple children. One of the challenges every parent experiences with their baby is teething. Teething can be uncomfortable for your baby, but there are ways you can help make it easier for them.
Every child will have a different experience, so you might need to try a few different solutions until you find one that works for you.
When does teething start in babies?
expand_moreIt depends on the individual child, but usually most babies will start getting teeth around the 6-month mark. But there are always exceptions, and your baby might start before they’re 4 months old or may even be born with their first teeth.
You will usually notice your baby’s bottom front teeth starting to emerge first, then their front top teeth. Your child will usually have all of their milk teeth (also known as ‘baby teeth’) by the time they are 30 months old.
Signs and symptoms of teething
expand_moreYour baby’s teeth can come through with no pain or discomfort at all. But you might also notice these signs:
- Sore gums, which are red where the tooth is coming through
- One of your baby’s cheeks is flushed
- Your baby rubbing their ear
- Your baby might be dribbling more than usual, so keep baby wipes handy
- They may be gnawing and chewing on things
- They are more fretful than normal
You may have heard that it can also cause diarrhoea or a fever, but there’s no evidence to support this. If you’re ever worried about your child’s health, come instore and talk to one of our pharmacists, or see your GP.
Teething toys for sore gums
expand_moreWhen your child is getting their teeth through, you might notice they are chewing or gnawing on things more than usual. Toys, such as teething rings, give them something they can chew on safely. These may ease their discomfort and help to keep them distracted from the pain they are experiencing.
There are also some toys that can be chilled in the fridge before use, which could help soothe your baby’s gums. The toy you choose should have instructions that tell if you can chill it and how long for.
Other things to chew on
expand_moreIf your baby is over six months old, you can try giving them healthy foods to chew on, such as raw fruit and vegetables or a crust of bread or a breadstick. Make sure you stay close while your baby is chewing in case they choke.
Teething gels
expand_moreYou can put teething gels on the sore parts of your baby’s gums to numb the pain. But, it’s best to try other methods such as gently rubbing your baby’s gums or teething toys before you try teething gels.
If you’ve tried the other methods, but your baby is still showing symptoms of discomfort ask our pharmacist about teething gels, which you can only get from a pharmacy. They can give you advice on the best products to help while your child is teething, whether that is products that numb the area to help with pain, or ones that soothe the inflamed gums. Our pharmacists will also help you understand the best way to apply the product and the amount to use.
Ask our pharmacist about one of these teething products to find the best one for your child:
Ashton & Parsons Teething Gel - This gel is intended for the use in your child’s mouth for relieve the discomfort and pain associated with teething. The gel forms an invisible film which helps to protect gums from the pain and discomfort associated with teething.
Dentinox Infant Gum Gel 15g - Detinox Infant Gum Gel is strawberry flavoured, non-medicated, sugar free treatment for babies who are teething and experiencing discomfort. It helps to ease discomfort your baby may be experiencing and aids the prevention and elimination of infections.
Anbesol Teething Gel - Contains an anaesthetic for quick-acting and effective relief of pain. It is also suitable for recurrent mouth ulcers and denture irritation. The formula contains two antiseptics to protect against infection.
Bonjela Soothing Teething Gel 15ml - It’s a fast-acting gel that creates a protective film on your baby’s gums to help relieve pain, discomfort and inflammation.
How your pharmacist can help
expand_moreIf your baby is experiencing discomfort when their teeth start to come through, or you just want some advice, visit your local LloydsPharmacy and talk to one of our pharmacists about pain relief and gels you can try. Remember, many teething gels that help numb the pain are only available from a pharmacy.