If you’re passionate about travel and enjoy the planning process, why not explore our travel shop? Find out what not to miss off your packing list, so you can feel prepared for anything. We can help you take care of the whole family with baby care products, bite and sting relief, suncare, travel sickness tablets and those all-important summer must-haves. Be sure that you have all the essentials whether you’re travelling alone, with friends or family, including travel vaccinations so the only memories you bring back are good ones.

What vaccines do I need to travel?

We have country related vaccination advice so you can feel fully prepared and ready to relax wherever you go. From Turkey to MexicoVietnam to Kenya, discover which vaccinations you need depending on your destination, as well as precautionary recommendations to keep you safe as you travel. To help with your travel planning we also share how far in advance you should get your vaccinations and what options are available to you.

Travel information

Keeping you up to date with malaria prevention, treatment and areas of the world which are high risk with our malaria risk map and advice. Did you know you can also get malaria tablets in your local pharmacy without a prescription? Find out if Maloff Protect is right for you and your holiday, in our blog.  If you’re worried about travel sickness disrupting your holiday, we’ve got product recommendations and advice to put your mind at ease too. We’re more than just a pharmacy we’re the destination for all your travel needs.