Weight loss service from £12.50 a week. 

Home blood test

Take control of your health with our easy at-home blood test kits. 

Take control of your health with our easy at-home blood test kits. 

Our blood test kits

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Test kits are suitable for adults aged 18 and over only. Not available in Northern Ireland.

  • General health blood test

    Finger-prick blood sample

    Cholesterol, diabetes risk, liver function, vitamin D levels & thyroid function

    Pack size
    General health home blood test kit
  • Men's health blood test

    Finger-prick blood sample

    Testosterone, cholesterol, diabetes risk & liver function

    Pack size
    Men's health blood test kit
  • Women’s hormones blood test

    Finger-prick blood sample

    Oestrogen, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinising hormone, testosterone, prolactin & thyroid function

    Pack size
    Women's Hormones Blood Test
  • Weight management blood test - Cholesterol, HbA1c & Thyroid

    Finger-prick blood sample

    Cholesterol, diabetes risk & thyroid function

    Pack size
    Weight management blood test
No matching treatments found

Why take a home blood test?

Blood tests can provide a picture of your current health. They can also help you to understand your risk of certain conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease. 

A better understanding of your personal health can support you to make lifestyle changes for improved long-term health.

Check key health markers, such as cholesterol, diabetes risk and liver health. 

Results are available online within 2-3 days of the lab receiving your sample. All results are reviewed by one of our clinicians — and you can book a video consultation if you want to chat. 

How our at-home blood test service works

  1. Order your test kit online and receive it by post

  2. Complete the tests at home and send your samples to the lab

    Free delivery

  3. View your results securely online

    Usually within 3 working days of receipt of samples

Delivery information

Free delivery

Delivered in 3 working days when ordered Monday-Friday
Delivered within 4 days when ordered Saturday-Sunday
Tracking information available


Post your samples back to the lab for free
24 hour postage stamp included with your kit 

Test results

Test results are available in 3 working days once your sample has reached the lab

Free delivery

Delivered in 3 working days when ordered Monday-Friday

Delivered within 4 days when ordered Saturday-Sunday

Tracking information available


Post your samples back to the lab for free
24 hour postage stamp included with your kit 

Test results

Test results are available in 3 working days once your sample has reached the lab

How to collect a blood sample for an at-home blood test

Watch the video for advice on the best way to collect your blood sample at home. 

About home blood tests

Can I get a blood test at home?

Yes, all of our blood tests are home kits. The test kits include everything you need to take your blood sample, package it, and send it to the lab for analysis. 

The kits also include full instructions and tips to make the process as easy as possible. 

Do I need to be in when my kit is delivered?

No, your test kit should fit through your letterbox. You don’t need to sign for it.

Are home blood test kits accurate?

We’ve partnered with Thriva to make accuracy and reliability our priority. 

  • The lab — The laboratory used is registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and is fully compliant with ISO laboratory standards
  • The kits — All test kits are CE-marked, so they meet health and safety requirements within the European Economic Area (EEA)
  • Accuracy — The labs run validation tests on all samples

It’s also important for you to follow the instructions when you collect your sample. 

Who are the blood tests suitable for?

This kit is for people aged 18 and above.

Our home blood tests are not suitable if you are feeling unwell or have any symptoms that need investigating. Please see your GP if you are unwell or have any symptoms. Our blood tests are for assessing your general health and can be used as a screening tool for conditions like diabetes or heart disease.

What’s included in the blood test kits?

Each test kit contains:  

  • Alcohol swab
  • 3 sterile lancets
  • 1 or 2 collection tubes depending on your test
  • Cleansing wipe
  • 2 sterile plasters
  • Return form with removable tube labels
  • Protective plastic transport bags
  • Prepaid envelope

What's in your blood test kit

Warnings and cautions for blood tests

  • Only use the equipment provided in your kit.
  • The test must be carried out by and labelled for the person you ordered it for.
  • Keep the kit away from children, animals, sunlight, fire and smoking.
  • Blood tests are not available in Northern Ireland and the Channel Islands. 
  • Our home blood tests are not suitable if you are feeling unwell or have any symptoms that need investigating. Please see your GP if you are unwell or have any symptoms. Our blood tests are for assessing your general health and can be used a screening tool for conditions like diabetes or heart disease.

How do I see my results?

If ready, your results will be in the results portal. If you've already created an account, please login to view them now.

The results portal requires a different login to your LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor account. To create your results portal account, please refer to the email sent to you when you placed your order.

Home blood test result examples:

Diabetes results - home blood test

What our patients say

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